Rain Bird - 1800 Spray Head Drip Riser Connection Kit


Sale price $22.00
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  • Convert an 1800® spray head or a riser to a drip zone
  • This all-in-one unit includes a 200-mesh filter and 30 psi pressure regulator for proper operation of a drip irrigation system
  • Also connects to other standard 1/2 in. irrigation fittings

Note: A drip system needs to be operated on a separate zone than spray heads and rotors. When using the Riser Connection Kit to convert a zone to drip, either convert all spray heads or rotors on that zone to drip or cap off the spray heads and rotors that are not converted to drip.

Tip: Minimum operating pressure for a drip system is 15 psi, maximum is 25-30 psi. The Faucet Connection Kit and Riser Connection Kit each contain a 25-30 psi regulator to reduce higher pressures. These connection kits also incorporate a 150-200 mesh filter to protect the tubing emitters.

CAUTION: Not using the pressure regulator and filter may damage your system.

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